SPIE Remote Sensing And Security + Defence Highlight New Research For Disaster Management, Counterterrorism, And More

New applications of remote sensing in managing and monitoring natural disasters and the latest optical countermeasures for fighting crime and terrorism are among highlighted topics on the programme for the co-located Remote Sensing and Security + Defence congresses to be held in Prague in September. The events are organized by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, and will run 19-22 September at the Clarion Hotel Congress Centre.
A two-day exhibition showcasing the latest in detection, imaging, and laser technology and supporting components and devices for security and defence applications will complement technical programmes including nearly 800 papers on new research and innovations.
There is no admission charge for the exhibition. Paid registration for either Remote Sensing or Security + Defence provides admission to conferences in both congresses.
Co-locating the two events provides an excellent opportunity to explore new possibilities for collaboration with new partners from other fields of activity, noted SPIE Remote Sensing Symposium Chair Karin Stein (Fraunhofer-IOSB Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation).
Sensing for Earth and its environment
The 10 conferences in SPIE Remote Sensing will feature nearly 600 papers on sensor technology, next generation satellites, remote sensing of the Earth and its environment, atmospheric propagation, and signal and image processing.
The plenary event will feature:
- Frank Doengi (Astrium Satellites), on "Earth observation from space: the European landscape in the second decade."
- Paul Lewis (U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency), on "Evolution of airborne chemical and radiological remote sensing for emergency and natural disaster response."
A sampling of papers includes:
- Diofantos Hadjimitsis and Christiana Papoutsa (Cyprus University of Technology) on spectroscopy-assisted monitoring of coastal water quality near a desalination project (8181-30). The team has also published a brief report on their project in the SPIE Newsroom (spie.org/x48906.xml.)
- Heikki Saari (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland) et al. on an innovative compact spectral camera integrated into an unmanned aerial system to evaluate forest and agriculture biomass changes (8174-19).
- Rita Polonia (Universidade de Aveiro) et al. on analysis of coral reef systems using MODIS/AQUA satellite-derived data (8175-1).
- Roland Meynart and Pierluigi Silvestrin (European Space Research and Technology Centre) on new and future ESA missions (8176-11).
Co-operating organisations are the European Optical Society, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society, and European Association of Remote Sensing Companies.
Charles Bostater (Florida Institute of Technology) is Symposium Cochair.
Optics for advanced security
Organized into six conferences, SPIE Security + Defence includes more than 200 papers and bridges the divide between fundamental optical science and the application of the underpinning technologies in advanced defence and security systems. Topics include infrared imaging devices, systems and technology; hyperspectral imaging; millimeter-wave and terahertz sensors and technology; optical countermeasure technologies; optics and photonics for counterterrorism and crime; nanotechnology; quantum communication; and communication security.
Plenary talks will be given by:
- Keith Lewis (UK Electro-Magnetic Remote Sensing Defence Technology), on "Remote sensing needs for military operations."
- Miloslav Dusek (Palacký University), on "Quantum information transfer and processing."
Among scheduled talks are:
- Chris Slinger (Malvern Innovations) et al. on application of adaptive coded aperture imaging in the mid-wave infrared to meet commercial, security, and military needs (8185-13).
- Stephan Dill (Deutsches Zenrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt) et al. on construction of a fully polarimetric W-band receiver to acquire a new dimension of information for detection of weapons and other explosives (8188-1).
- Jason Guicheteau (U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center) et al. on use of Raman spectroscopy for on-the-move reconnaissance and detection of chemicals and explosive materials on surfaces, including fingerprints analysis (8189A-1).
Co-operating organisation is the Electro Magnetic Remote Sensing Defence Technology Centre.
David Titterton (UK Defence Science and Technology Lab) is Symposium Chair. Symposium Cochairs are Reinhard Ebert (Fraunhofer FOM for Optronics and Pattern Recognition) and Cestmír Vlcek (Czech Republic University of Defence).
"This meeting will be a showcase for multi-disciplinary research and should provide an excellent opportunity for individuals and organisations to explore new opportunities to collaborate with new partners from other fields of activity," Titterton said.
All papers from this symposium will be permanently archived in the SPIE Digital Library, where they will be made available to others in the international scientific community who seek to learn, make discoveries, and innovate.
About SPIE
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, was founded in 1955 to advance light-based technologies. Serving more than 180,000 constituents from 168 countries, the Society advances emerging technologies through interdisciplinary information exchange, continuing education, publications, patent precedent and career and professional growth. SPIE annually organizes and sponsors approximately 25 major technical forums, exhibitions and education programs in North America, Europe, Asia and the South Pacific. SPIE provided over $2.3M in support of education and outreach programs in 2010.