The AISA instrument and supporting software is designed for fast and timely operational remote sensing activities, when a short turn-around time for maximum end-user satisfaction is required. Typically is 24 hrs from collected data to visualized information. The default wavelength range of the AISA instrument is 430 nm - 900 nm, with a maximum of 286 spectral bands and a minimum spectral sampling of 1.6 nm. The total number of spatial pixels across-track is 384, with approximately 20 pixels reserved for the integrated fiber-optic downwelling irradiance sensor (FODIS).
For automatic image rectification and georeferencing the AISA system includes a miniature, high-precision integrated (D)GPS/INS unit. The AISA features in-flight band configuration in most combinations for different measurement missions and reconfiguration of the instrument without a need for any hardware adjustments. Data collected by the instrument can be pre-processed using the same PC used for office tasks, without access to UNIX workstations. The output from the pre-processing program is a calibrated, rectified and georeferenced hyperspectral image with an ENVI header file, ready for data analysis.
<%=company%>, P.O.Box 110, FIN-90571 Oulu Finland. Phone: +358-8-551 4495; Fax: +358-8-551 4496.