CeramOptec Industry Applications
For many of our customers, there is no room for failure when they spec an optical fiber. From precision surgery to homeland security to aerospace and beyond, they count on CeramOptec® to not only meet their needs, but also exceed performance expectations. We work closely with our customers to make sure they've got the right fiber for the job. Because for us, failure is not an option either. |
Industrial Laser Delivery

Cutting, marking, and welding are some of the more popular uses for our fibers across a broad range of industrial laser applications. You'll find us in laser delivery systems for everything from laser marking to plastic injection molding. Fibers are used for cutting and welding applications throughout the automotive and sheet metal industries. Robots rely on our fibers, as do high-power lasers used in very high-speed precision drilling and wielding.
CeramOptec® Solutions: High power connectors. Large core fibers. High-power laser delivery assemblies.
Medical Laser Delivery

The medical applications for our fibers are vast and growing every day. Laser ablation, tissue welding, and PDT are among the most common uses in fields like urology (BPH, kidney stones), ophthalmology (AMD, glaucoma), OB&GYN (cysts), cardiology (TMR, angioplasty), hair removal, aesthetic procedures, ENT, PDT, general surgery, orthopedics, gastrology, colonoscopy (pulps and cysts), leg veins, dentistry, and veterinary applications. Our fibers are even used to precision-deliver stents to the brain.
CeramOptec Solutions: Silica/silica and hard-clad fibers with high power handling abilities, deep UV to NIR wavelengths, and custom probes.
Life Sciences

When it comes to cell sampling, medical instrumentation, and detailed analysis, CeramOptec bundles are at the heart of the systems that deliver photons from the sample to the detectors.
CeramOptec Solutions: A variety of NAs and custom bundles in a wide range of core sizes.

Chemical processing. Pollution and contaminant monitoring. Pharmaceutical testing. These are just a few of the spectroscopy applications where you'll find our fibers. CeramOptec bundles for NIR spectroscopy are very common in food and chemical analysis. Our probes are used in petrochemical refineries at Exxon Mobil and Shell; in chemical plants such as Dupont and Dow Chemicals; and in pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer for on-line quality control applications. Elli Lilly and Merck use our bundles to test the quality of their drugs, and likewise Wythe Laboratories for cough syrup quality control.
CeramOptec Solutions: Deep UV to NIR transmission. Custom and long-length probes and bundles. Vertical integration, from perform to final product.

International industrial giants like 3M, Exxon Mobil, and DuPont. Automotive leaders like BMW, Audi, Chrysler, and Mercedes Benz. Commercial and military nuclear facilities. Pharmaceutical companies. All rely on sensors with CeramOptec fibers in applications as varied as painting, glass tinting, checking for contaminants, position sensing, and more.
CeramOptec Solutions: Deep UV to NIR transmission, different core sizes, and low to high NA.

Sensors. Raman Spectroscopy. On-line sampling. When it comes to optical fiber for biochemical applications, our customers know that CeramOptec delivers quality and precision performance.
CeramOptec Solutions: Custom assemblies and bundles. High and low NA silica/silica fibers. Long length assemblies.
Analytical Chemistry

When it comes to sensors and biohazard detection, there's little margin for error. CeramOptec delivers accurate, reliable performance. Our fibers were used to help decontaminate Senator Tom Daschle's office when it was exposed to anthrax. And our bundles are used for quality inspection of drinking waters and recycled waters at many different water treatment plants throughout the world.
CeramOptec Solutions: Custom probes and bundles. Wide wavelength range options. Custom fibers.
Defense and Homeland Security

When it comes to keeping America safe and secure, CeramOptec is always ready to serve. Federal agencies use our bundles in drug enforcement, smuggling, and other homeland security applications. The NOAA and NASA use our bundles for atmospheric research applications, and in hurricane hunter and volcanic sensing aircraft. CeramOptec bundles scan the earth's atmosphere looking for dangerous debris. Anti-terrorism and homeland security agencies, in conjunction with municipal water companies, use our products to control and assure drinking water supplies. And our fibers have been used on classified projects for U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, and NATO forces.
CeramOptec Solutions: Deep UV to NIR transmission. High power handling capability. Custom assemblies.

When laser-guided weapons reach their target, it's due in part to optical fiber. The U.S. Navy has used CeramOptec fiber in classified airborne flight applications. Tactical cables, mission-critical sensor systems — CeramOptec is proud to serve.
CeramOptec Solutions: High power handling fibers. 0.06 to 0.53 NA fibers. 50 micron to 2000 micron cores.
National Laboratory

Plasma fusion. Astronomy. Materials research. Our bundles are used by a wide variety of government and national laboratories across a broad spectrum of applications — from Mars Project to next generation weapons to and laser tactical weapons. We have been involved in many astronomy projects with Harvard University, Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, Chilean Observatory, Subaru Observatory in Hawaii, Lick Observatory in Mt. Hamilton, CA, as well as CERN projects throughout North America, and Europe.
CeramOptec Solutions: Low loss fibers. Custom fibers and bundles. Deep UV to NIR transmission.
Research & Development

We service a wide variety of applications for research and development, as well as academic and scientific applications with prestigious universities and institutions throughout the world. CeramOptec fibers excel in instrumentation, materials research, and chemical sensing applications.
CeramOptec Solutions: Custom products. Vacuum products. Wide wavelength capabilities.

CeramOptec has found a niche market in applications for research and development, as well as academic and scientific applications with prestigious universities and institutions throughout the world. Our most popular uses are in spectroscopy, laser delivery, and general chemistry.
CeramOptec Solutions: Small volume, custom orders. Comprehensive products/applications range.
Semiconductor Manufacturing

From wafer manufacturing to inspection, CeramOptec is an integral part of the semiconductor industry. Our bundles are used in semiconductor capital equipments where the laser light is delivered from the laser to the wafer, as well as wafer testing. Optical fibers are also used in Stepper applications for making semiconductor chips.
CeramOptec Solutions: High reliability factor. Custom assemblies and bundles.
Solar Energy

As solar power and energy continues to gain popularity, more and more companies are looking for help in exploring this clean energy source. We help deliver sunlight to the insides of buildings; provide the sunlight that's essential for photosynthesis to plants; and many other solar applications.
CeramOptec Solutions: PowerLightGuide fused-end bundles. Custom bundle assemblies; low loss fibers.

It's not just a fictional prime time drama — real crime scene investigators rely on our bundles and fibers to find clues and help catch criminals. From spectroscopy in the lab to in-the-field applications, we're on the job every day.
CeramOptec Solutions: UV fibers. Fused bundles.

Sensing plasma in chambers. Plasma imaging. Thin film deposition. CeramOptec products have found a home within all of these applications, and we have a strong, vital presence in both commercial and military nuclear facilities.
CeramOptec Solutions: Vacuum bundles. Vacuum feedthroughs. Custom bundle configurations.

Fibers are an integral part of modern flight, from aircraft to satellites to space exploration. You'll find our bundles in both turbine engine and aircraft sensing applications. CeramOptec bundles are a critical component of the scanning and sensor systems that search the earth's atmosphere looking for debris. We're on the Mars Project, and a wide range of other deep space and astronomical applications.
CeramOptec Solutions: Highly customized products. Wide range of fiber sizes and types. High and low temperature fibers.

With the advent of all-glass cockpits and head-up displays, avionics and flight systems rely heavily on optical fiber to deliver the information pilots need. From jet engine sensors to general aircraft systems, CeramOptec is flying high.
CeramOptec Solutions: High-temp fibers. Silica. Silica with a wide range of core diameters and NAs.
Green – Recycling

Our bundles are used in recycling applications and sorting garbage at a multitude of waste management sites throughout the North America. We have a number of customers who use our bundles to pick out raw materials as they move through the waste processing plants. One company recycles old tires into carpet, while the other one recycles textile material for other textile products. Another client uses the bundles to find recyclable chemical and material for making resins for automotive industry, as well as pesticides.
CeramOptec Solutions: Custom bundle assemblies. UV to NIR wavelengths.