
High-Power Low-Noise Single-Frequency Fiber Laser: Koheras BOOSTIK

Source: NKT Photonics A/S

The high-power, low-noise Koheras BOOSTIK from NKT Photonics is a single-frequency fiber laser designed with a unique combination of narrow linewidth and excellent beam quality for frequency conversion. With up to 15 W of output power at 1 or 1.5 µm, and wide wavelength tuning and KHz modulation, this laser can be utilized for a variety of applications including quantum optics/computing, laser-based metrology, optical herodyning, and coherent beam combining.

As part of the Koheras range of single frequency fiber lasers, the Koheras BOOSTIK is based on telecom-grade fiber components, and is built to last thousands of hours without service or maintenance. The included turn-key 19″ rack system features control electronics and a power supply, which is ideal for laboratory work and experimental research.

Additional features and options include:

  • 2 models available – the E15 and Y10
  • PM output - fixed state of polarization (linear) of the laser output
  • Unlimited center wavelength selection in the ranges 1050-1090 nm and 1540-1570 nm
  • Up to 1000 pm course wavelength tuning and KHz frequency modulation for frequency locking
  • Options available from 2 to 16 outputs for the 1550 nm range

Download the full datasheet for more in-depth information on the Koheras BOOSTIK fiber laser including features, specifications, and performance graphs.