
High-Speed InGaAs 0.9-1.7 µm PIN Diode

Source: Marktech Optoelectronics

Marktech Optoelectronics offers a new series of InGaAs PIN photo diodes designed to feature low noise, high sensitivity, and high-speed response. Typical applications for these near infrared detectors include telecommunications and other high speed applications that use optical communication devices such as receivers, sensors, and high speed fiber modules.

The standard spectral range of the new PIN diode series is 0.9 to 1.7 µm. These parts are offered in high reliability TO-46 metal can packages, as well as optional custom packages. Additional testing and sorting services are made available through on site testing labs located in Marktech’s New York headquarters.

For more information on these high-speed InGaAs PIN diodes and others like them, visit their website.