Laser Spot Size and Position Monitoring for YAG and Fiber Lasers: BeamWatch®
The BeamWatch® system instantly measures the focus spot size of high power YAG, fiber, diode, and disk lasers and dynamically measures focal plane location during start-up. It uses disruptive technology to monitor a laser beam at frequent intervals without having to shut down the process or remove tooling features to make adjustments.
The BeamWatch focus spot size and position monitor measures from 1 kW and up and has no moving parts. (To date, Ophir-Spiricon has measured up to 100kW) It’s the first of its kind to be able to accurately measure laser parameters without having to come in contact with the laser beam. This means that measurements can be conducted every 60ms, measuring the Rayleigh scatter the beam produces. The result is an instant and accurate reading of the beam’s position and its focus spot size.
The monitor is ideal for measuring YAG and fiber lasers used for cutting, ablating, sintering, drilling, or welding. For more information on its features and specifications, download the datasheet.