Multi-Wavelength Fiber-Coupled LED Sources
Mightex combines up to eight LEDs into a single-mode fiber and makes it available in two different configurations. The standard configuration uses neutral beam combiners and is low cost and has the most flexible wavelength plans. The high-power configuration should be used where high-efficiency dichroic beam splitters are used to combine different wavelengths.
White LEDs from 365nm to 940nm are available to choose from. They’re then installed into the light source chassis in the factory. The multi-wavelength fiber-coupled LED light source is ideal for use as a general purpose light source, and in applications involving microscope illumination, fast spectrum tuning, and optogenetics.
- Up to 8 LED’s combined into a single fiber output
- No moving parts in optical path
- Interchangeable fiber with SMA connector
- Independent and simultaneous control of the LED’s
- High efficiency dichroic beam combiners
- Wide range of available wavelengths: UV/VIS/NIR and white
- Cooling fan for maximum intensity stability
- Optional multi-channel LED controller
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