
Silicon Photomultiplier - Yakima™ SQBF Series Thermoelectrically Cooled SiPMs

Source: Voxtel, Inc.

Voxtel’s Yakima™ SQBF-Series SiPM is a photon counting solid-state replacement for photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). SiPM devices are superior to PMTs in cost, size, mechanical durability, insensitivity to magnetic fields and low supply voltage requirements. Low dark count rates with thermoelectric cooling, combined with extremely fast rise time and short recovery time, facilitate high performance operations of Voxtel’s SiPMs. These properties make Voxtel's SiPM useful for detecting extremely weak light at the photon counting level.

The SQBF-EKAA is sold as a self contained detector package. SiPM chips are integrated with a 3-stage TEC in a TO-8 package. The photosensitive area of the SiPM chip contains 1024 SPAD pixels, in a 32 × 32 array measuring 1mm by 1mm. Also available in the Yakima series are bare die, as well as uncooled SiPMs in TO-18 packages.

A SiPM is an array of small area avalanche photodiodes (APDs) connected in parallel through a network of passive quenching resistors. Each pixel of the SiPM operates independently in the Geiger mode, equivalent to passively quenched single-photon avalanche diodes (SPAD), and is thereby capable of generating an easily detectable pulse even from a single photon. The parallel connection sums the current when multiple pixels fire. Connecting the SiPM to a linear amplifier and a multi-channel analyzer permits measurement of the number of photons in a multi-photon pulse.

Key Features of the Yakima™ SQBF Series Thermoelectrically Cooled SiPMs :

  • Single photon sensitivity in the visible spectral range
  • 1 x 1 mm2 and 3 x 3 mm2 detectors available large area
  • Weak light levels detection
  • Very low dark current
  • High speed (1ns rise time)
  • 350-1100nm sensitivity
  • Wide single-photon counting dynamic range (>30MHz)
  • 3-Stage, thermoelectric cooled, 6-pin TO-8 package
  • TO-8 package with broadband, double-sided, AR flat window or a lensed cap to enhance coupling efficiency
  • Small, compact and robust
  • Temperature and voltage stability
  • High SNR when cooled to lower temperatures


  • High energy physics (HEP)
  • PET scanning
  • Scanning microarrays
  • DNA sequencing
  • Proteomics
  • Confocal microscopy
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Fluorescence lifetime measurements
  • Dynamic spectrometry