Sub-70 fs Fiber Laser Delivers Industrial Reliability For Scientific Applications

As part of the company’s program to industrialize high performance scientific lasers, Coherent Inc. has launched its Fidelity, a sealed-box fiber laser that delivers short (< 70 fs) pulse widths and high (>2W) average power at 1055 nm in a rugged, compact platform. Fidelity is an economical, zero-maintenance oscillator that is air-cooled with a small footprint (12.5” x 12.5”, 318 mm x 318 mm) and produces a high quality (M2< 1.2) output beam - ideal for demanding applications in multiphoton imaging, terahertz generation, and fundamental material research. Its high repetition rate (64 MHz) enables fast data acquisition and its high reliability maximizes scientific productivity. For maximum user flexibility and convenience, Fidelity also includes an integrated and electronically adjustable pre-chirp adjustment to fine-tune or minimize the pulse width at the experiment itself.
Fidelity’s hands-free stability and long-term reliability result from design and fabrication practices inherently optimized for high unit-to-unit consistency and quality. This includes extensive use of Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) protocols, including thermal and mechanical shock testing of every unit.
Fidelity is ideal for most scientific applications such as ultrafast spectroscopy and supercontinuum generation. Compared to titanium:sapphire based systems, Fidelity’s unique combination of very short pulses with high power at long wavelengths is a particular advantage in cutting-edge, deep in-vivo bio-imaging applications such as optogenetics. The combination of Fidelity with Coherent’s Chameleon lasers enables the most advanced neuroscience experiments requiring simultaneous imaging, photo-activation and action potential detection in live animal brains, both with standard and multi-point modalities.
About Coherent, Inc.
Founded in 1966, Coherent, Inc. is a world leader in providing photonics based solutions to the commercial and scientific research markets, and is part of the Standard & Poor’s SmallCap 600 Index and the Russell 2000. For more information, visit
Source: Coherent, Inc.