PG&O Featured Downloads
Specialized Thin Film Optical Mirrors Enable VIRUS Spectrograph System In Dark Energy Experiment
PG&O designed and delivered specialized optical mirrors to Texas A&M University and the University of Texas at Austin for use in building the first-of-its-kind VIRUS (Visible Integral-field Replicable Unit Spectrograph) instrument, a key part of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment, or HETDEX.
Precision Glass & Optics And PRP Optoelectronics Eurofighter Typhoon Project
As experts in precision optics and optical thin film coatings, Precision Glass & Optics can customize thin film filters to meet customer specifications. In this instance, the optical coatings were designed to carefully filter out unwanted stray light from varying sources in the aircraft’s cockpit.
Fabrication Capabilities For Commercial Optics
PG&O offers unique capabilities in the area of optical components used for commercial applications.
Datasheet: HRM (Heat Reflecting Mirror)
Our Hot Mirrors are all-dielectric vacuum deposited mirrors with advantages over standard commercial hot mirrors or heat absorbing glass filters. The visual transmission is much higher and neutral in color with excellent heat reflecting characteristics.
Datasheet: ITO (Indium-Tin Oxide)
Indium-tin Oxide (ITO) is a transparent conductive coating that is used in many optical applications. Electrical heating, solar cell arrays, electro-magnetic shielding and static elimination are just a few of the many uses of ITO. PG&O is proud to add ITO to its extensive line of coatings.
Datasheet: MAL (Mirror Aluminized)
MAL series mirrors are front surface aluminized, on select float glass. The aluminum is overcoated with all dielectric layers to enhance reflectivity and protect against heat, humidity and abrasion. These mirrors are typically used for photocopiers, scanners, facsimile machines and other instrumentation.
Datasheet: UCM (Ultraviolet Cold Mirror)
PG&O ultraviolet cold mirrors are used in applications such as photo lithographic of printed circuit boards, ultraviolet curing, diazo film processing and other ultraviolet light course applications requiring mirrors of high quality and reliability.
Datasheet: CAR (Crown Anti-Reflection)
Our “off-the-shelf ” multilayer anti-reflection glass is coated in-house with our state-of-the-art BBAR antireflection coatings. Using select optical crown glass of various thicknesses for your convenience.
Datasheet: CMO (Cold Plate Mirror)
Cold Mirrors reflect visible energy (400nm to 650nm) and transmit the infrared energy (800nm to 1200nm). They are typically used in heat/light applications such as movie and slide projectors where high visible reflection and infrared transmission are critical.
Datasheet: PBS (Plate Beamsplitter)
Plate Beamsplitters divide incident light into transmission and reflection components. The first surface is coated with all-dielectric materials to yield the desired transmission and reflection characteristics.